Friday, February 27, 2009

Sarah needs...

So I had a little down time at work this afternoon, and decided to fill that time by following the examples of a few blogs that I had read. I then proceded to laugh myself silly. Here's how it works - just search for the phrase "[your name] needs" in google and write down the first 10 that pop up. Apparently I need...

...a cold shower, self-esteem. I'm not sure how those are related.
...more love lyrics. It's true! More love lyrics never hurt anyone.
...sponsors to compete. I suppose if I were competing that would be true.
...a miracle. Don't we all?
...a band. That would certainly help with #2! swim. You know, I haven't been swimming in more than 2 years. Maybe it's a sign.
...her own set. I'm going to let you all decide what I need my own set of.
...a Wii. Woo hoo! get her life back and establish herself as the person in charge. That's intense. hand him one of those weapons that went off without warning. Is that how I get my life back and establish myself as the person in charge? Seems a little violent...

Well, there you have it folks. I now know exactly what I need. Funny it didn't mention anything about sleep, or groceries, or toothpaste - I'm pretty sure I need those too. Oh well, I suppose I shouldn't be greedy :)


Anonymous said...

WEll, I apparently need to be told to stop shooting and start talking. and I need to pee!

Austen said...

Ha! Apparently I need more zombies! (Ok, actually *Jane* Austen needs more zombies, but still. Good enough for me.)

Hope you're feeling better - at least the sun is shining today!