Tuesday, May 27, 2008

A lesson learned

I have learned something new about the structure of the house we live in. Apparently our sun porch is built over the roof of the unit that is behind/below us where our landlord's son lives, so when I water my garden any excess dripage just runs down the roof and off the side of the house like rain. However, since this is not a normal occurence (it doesn't usually rain in our sun porch), I apparently caused a bit of panic for the poor guy, who thought that someone must have left a sink or bathtub overflowing, causing the trickle off of the 'roof'. I shall have to remember to go a little easier on the watering in the future :)

(On a side note - my neck is much, much better. I went to see a chiropractor yesterday, and she was amazing! Now I just need to catch up on my sleep, and it will all be okay...)

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