I would rather live in a world where my life is surrounded by mystery than live in a world so small that my mind could comprehend it. ~ Harry Emerson Fosdick
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Blessings in disguise
What kind of gift is that, you might wonder - well, let me enlighten you. Because of said flu, which left me a coughing, miserable, feverish, voiceless, dizzy, mucus-filled wretch all day Saturday, Sunday and Monday, and is now performing the same wonders for the TC, we have both been forced not only to slow down, but to stop and do absolutely nothing but watch movies and blow noses for 3-4 days. And this was perfectly acceptable because nobody else wants our germs! No one expects you to attend 5 meetings in 3 days when you can't breathe. No one expects you to get all your housework done when getting up off the couch to put a movie in takes all your strength. And best of all, no one expects you to be able to conjugate verbs in another language when you can't form a functional sentence in your own. I don't even expect it of myself! Being sick gave me the permission I needed to take it easy for a while.
I can't believe it, but I'm actually thankful for the flu!
Friday, February 22, 2008
do French homework
do French homework
go to meeting
do French homework
go to meeting
do French homework
update budget
And the next few days:
do French homework
eat dinner with Adrienne Clarkson
go to meeting 1
go to meeting 2
go to church
do French homework
get groceries
cook something
I'll fill in some details sometime after March 8th, which is when all the craziness will end...I hope... Until then, please forgive the lack of effort put into my postings.
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Spa Day
- Shower (using a delicious smelling mint-lime bodywash) to remove any impurities from your skin.
- Spend 5-10 minutes in the warm salt-water pool in front of one of the massaging waterjets.
- Spend 5-10 minutes in the 100% humidity eucalyptus-scented steam room.
- Shower.
- Take a plunge in the cold pool for a minute to stimulate circulation and regulate body temperature.
- Spend 5-7 minutes in the infared heat sauna.
- Shower.
- Another plunge in the cold pool.
- Steep in the hot green tea pool for 5 minutes.
- Shower.
- Last 1 minute cold plunge.
- Sit in the warm salt pool for a few more minutes.
Once you've done all that, you sit on one of the lounge chairs next to the pools and sip water or tea or juice until someone comes to get you for your treatment. I didn't have time to get steps 11 & 12 in before they came to get me for the 1/2 hour massage, but that was alright. I was already feeling much more relaxed, but by the time Christiana finished I seriously had all I could do to keep myself awake! She took me back out to the lounge chairs, where I sat with my cup of 'Vitality Tea' and did my best impression of jello.
After about 10 minutes, Rachelle came to take me to my 'body bake and beyond' treatment. It was just like the description said - nirvana! I couldn't really see what was going on because she kept a warm cloth over my eyes almost the whole time, but there was a great deal of sloughing, slathering and rinsing taking place. I have never felt so pampered in all of my life.
Friday, February 15, 2008
The Evergreen is a truly amazing place. They provide hearty, nutritious lunches and suppers 5 days a week, and warm, safe place for the kids to hang out during the day. They also offer the kids some amazing services, which you can check out on their website. It's a beautiful facility. And the kids desperately need as much compassionate help as we can give them. Some of their stories are absolutely heartbreaking, like the guy from NB who has been living on the streets since he came home from school when he was 14 and found a note on the table from his mother saying that she had taken his sisters and wouldn't be back. Can you imagine what that would do to your sense of self-worth? I find it hard to wrap my head around. I'm so glad that a place like Evergreen exists to show these kids that somebody cares about them.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Life Cycles
On the plus side, a significant amount of time this Saturday is designated for using the spa gift certificate that TC got me for Christmas (bless him!). I can't wait! As I was sitting in my cubicle at work on Friday after dealing with yet another stressed out accountant, I was overwhelmed by the need to do something to de-stress, but I didn't think I had the time. Then I remembered that Monday is a brand new statutory holiday (thank you Premier McGuinty!), so I had an eight hour chunk of time originally slotted for work that was now free! So I shoved all of Saturday's tasks to Monday, and booked my spa time. I've never been to a spa, so I'll let you know how it goes. The description on the gift certificate sounds divine, though:
This exceptional treatment will send you to nirvana. Using our body wash and scrub mitt, the skin is cleansed, exfoliated and stimulated before mud is slathered over the entire body. As it heats up under our specially designed infrared lamps, the scalp is nourished with our stimulating scalp serum. A mineral enriched seaweed mask is applied to the face followed by our tightening wild~seaweed face serum and calming face moisturizer. The hair is washed and conditioned. A neck-to-toe application of our mint~lime body lotion will leave you feeling replenished, renewed and truly radiant. It's been years since Mother Nature treated us so well.This is preceded by a 30-min massage and the use of the spa's detoxifying water therapy (a sequence of pools, saunas and steam rooms). I'm starting to relax just thinking about it :)
Saturday, February 9, 2008
All about the food...
A yummy smoothie! Then I went grocery shopping, and found these:
I also couldn't walk past these - a snack that Cousin P introduced me to, for which I'm very thankful. They're cheddar cheese pretzel bits, and they don't have any MSG so I can eat them. Mmm...
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Snow, snow and more snow...
I find it rather funny that Toronto freaks out whenever they get snow. I mean, yes it's been snowing for 3 days, but we've still only accumulated about a foot and a half of the stuff. For most of the rest of the country, that's nothing! But because Toronto doesn't usually get a lot of snow, they aren't prepared for it when it comes. It's the only city I know of that has called in the army to shovel it out - and even then it was only 15cm! I mentioned that to a colleague, and they replied by saying that unlike the rest of the country, the Canadian economy loses 4 billion dollars for each day that Toronto is shut down because of snow. I didn't say anything, but my thoughts went along the lines of 'The rest of the country doesn't let a bit of snow stop it from going to work'. Can you imagine what would happen if Calgary, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax shut down every time they got more than a few inches of snow? Nobody would have to work from December to April! Come to think of it, that might not be a bad idea...
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Fun stuff
Monday, February 4, 2008
The best laid plans...
Well Saturday went largely according to plan. All the laundry got washed, dried and folded, this week's groceries got tucked into their respective places, and we had a wonderful time going out for supper with our friends H & B. We went to a restaurant called "Hoodoo McFiggin's" - which, in retrospect, should have been our first indicator that things were going to go awry. Very early on Sunday morning, we began to seriously regret our choice of restaurant. Apparently the ribs that both TC and I had initially enjoyed had been the residence of a considerable bacteria colony, which our tummies were less than thrilled to host and proceeded to rather violently evict. So there was no going to church or running errands on Sunday! The plan changed to simply laying around the house and recovering - or so we thought.
Unbeknownst to us, TC's aunt had arrived in town for a conference and wanted to get together with us Sunday afternoon, which was the only time during her conference that we were all available. Off we went to another restaurant - this time a well-established chain restaurant of good repute - where we gingerly ate lunch with Aunt B, who is one of our favourite people. We visited with her for the rest of the afternoon, which was great, but by the time we got home around suppertime we were both so incredibly wiped that absolutely nothing else got done.
So much for those well-laid plans! On the plus side, I now understand the game of football, which was a complete mystery to me until yesterday. TC, Cousin P and I watched the Superbowl, cheering for whichever team happened to be losing at the time. With the exception of the Hoodoo aftermath, it was an enjoyable weekend ;o)