Sunday, March 16, 2008

Very Vanilla...

I was in a state of domestic bliss this weekend - my first free weekend in way too long! Saturday morning I finally got around to making the soap that I've had planned for a month or so:

It's a slightly modified version of the castille soap I usually use, with some coconut oil added to increase the lather factor and some castor oil for extra moisture. Then I added some cinnamon and orange essential oils, as well as a vanilla bean (scraping out the bean paste and putting it in, and then chopping up the rest of the bean and adding it as well). It smells sooo good!

Continuing on the vanilla theme, I tried a new recipe tonight - Rosemary Vanilla Chicken.

Very, very yummy! I saw chef Michael Smith make it on his show, and was intrigued by the thought of vanilla and chicken - it's not a typical flavour combination, but it is one of the best chicken recipies I've ever made. You can find the recipe here - I highly recommend it.

So much fun! There's very little that I enjoy more than puttering about the house getting things done and indulging in various hobbies. It's so very satisfying.


Annie said...

I think I'd like to try a bite off both the soap and the chicken!!!

I'm glad you had a chance to relax a bit!

Sarah C said...

Thanks Annie!

Anonymous said...

Mmmm, "a state of domestic bliss."

Enviable, indeed! Glad you had a good, relaxing weekend, finally.