Thursday, June 4, 2009

How do you argue with that?

There are very few things that annoy me more than absolute statements: "You always do that" or "That never happens." I know that when people say such things, it's usually an exaggeration for the sake of making a point. I've even been known to do it myself on occasion. But it still bugs the crap out of me, because in the back of my head I know that it's rarely true. Exceptions exist.

My darling husband is no stranger to the absolute statement, which has often been the cause of some rather lively discussions between the two of us. Last night, however, he really outdid himself. And I quote:

"It's not like we always never think of it that way."

All I could do was laugh.


Alli said...

Nice one!! LOL

Yeah those absolute statements can be science we tend to avoid them and this is perhaps why I like using them at home... :o Diego is great at pointing them out and making me laugh about it! ;)

Mitchell DeWare said...

Sarah, you always write funny things ... and Trevor always seems to have something clever to say :)

Sarah C said...

Very funny, Mitch :)